Do you desire a red lip? Beautiful lips adds glamour to the face and make your smile even more beautiful. However, there are many factors that take away the natural redness of your lips. One of the facts is that red lips do depend a lot of genetics. If you smoke, you'll eventually get "smoker's lines", which are fine lines and wrinkles above your top lip.
These will make your lips look less attractive. They can only be prevented by not smoking and they can only be hidden by makeup or facial hair. So quit smoking immediately.
In this post you will find tips for having natural red lips which will may let you get away with not wearing lipstick. With the natural tips you can restore the plumpness and young looks and this you can do by making it soft and sensual. Enjoy!!!
1. Use an old toothbrush. It might sound a little weird but it works. Put some lip balm or petroleum jelly on your lips. Start to massage your lips gently with your toothbrush for about 10-15 minutes. You should see the results straight away. This will also make your lips soft.
2. Make paste of a beetroot and apply on your lips. Wash it after half an hour and you will find the instant and natural redness in your lips.
3. Apply few drops of olive oil mixed with honey or sugar on your lips. Make sure your lips are free of lipstick. Rub the mixture gently on your lips and then wash it off.
4. Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of sugar with olive oil, coconut oil or cocoa butter. Brush your lips with this mixture constantly for 30 seconds and then wash them off.
5. Milk cream is full of nutrients and moisture that make it one of the best remedy for lightening the complexion of lips. Take some milk cream and add rose petals to it. Now allow it cool in refrigerator for 20 minutes. Remove it and gently massage it to lips. Now let it rest on lips for 15 minutes and then wash it. Milk and rose petal mixture will make your lips pink in few days.
6. Since lemon is a natural cleanser it cleans the dirt on lips making it look rosy. Citric acid in lemon acts as a bleaching agent for skin. Take fresh lemon juice and rub it to your lips. This will help to clean your lips and vitamin C present in lemon lightens the lips making it pink. Orange juice and peels are also rich in vitamin C which is useful in lightening dark lips.
7.Cucumbers: Cucumbers are rich in skin lightening properties and lots of water that help to make lips moist and pink. Take cucumber slice and keep it on lips daily for 15 minutes.
8. Massage your lips with aloe-vera gel for treating dry lips, removing dirt and lightening lips complexion. Anti-oxidants in aloe gel is very effective in lightening dark lips and making it pink. Take some aloe gel and gently massage it to lips for 15 minutes and then wash it off using warm water.
9. Apply white toothpaste. Put tooth paste on your lips and leave them over night. At the morning, you can wash your mouth and clean the toothpaste.
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